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Draught Pronunciation

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barry1010 | 14:33 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
41 Answers

How do you pronounce it? To rhyme with raft or laugh-t?

Is there a regional difference ?



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Draft - well it is in central Scotland

for me, those 3 all rhyme!

Draught and laugh t both rhyme with raft

Either - your "raft" & "laugh-t" have the same sound to me.

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I say draft as in drafted in to the army and draught under the door and beer.

Some people think "Laugh" is pronounced laaaf ie, a long A as in bath and baath.

Brought up in the north I'm a laff and draft person.

Draft & draught are homophones for me.

It might be in t'North that you'd hear the "raf" or "raugh" to rhyme with "raf(fle)".

oh I thought this would be ch ( in lock) became 'c' and then a glottal stop ( the chancellor uses them a lo') - -  ⟨ʔ⟩ - - - and then smoo ( th 

but it isnt - it is a more interesting question of whether a sound  Bath short a - baff

and baaaaaaaath - long a  - - - can distinguish words like draft and draught which would otherwise be allophones


Funny how it's barth (bath) and farst (fast)...but not cart (cat) and marp (map). And don't ask a South-easterner about Elastoplast!

Drarft.  Like Barthed - meaning having taken a Barth.    😂

Getting silly now.

Elastoplarst .... from a South Easterner.

^so why is the first "a" short and the second one long?


it's to do with the invisible R. Oop north all those words rhyme with Math.

In correct pronounciation they all have an invisible "R".

barth parth etc.Raft, Laugh and draught rhyme with them.

You need an invisible 'o' in pronounciation.

That's a silent o dougie 😁

// Like Barthed //

according to a friend in Leeds, people from Barth, drink from Glarses, and sit on the Grarse, on their backsides.....

Silent as in err'r?

invisible r gives on google intrusive r

and it isnt -  intrusive r is linking Africa rrr and Australia ( no  r - should  be glottal stop see above)

whereas  Westminister rrrran Hampstead is correct as there is an r to be linked

Intrusive r is droring room instead of drawing room

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