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My Browsers Have Got In A Mess - Any Ideas?

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barry1010 | 09:57 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | Technology
8 Answers

Specifically in relation to Mail Online.  In Edge I can read all the articles, including the Mail+ that are supposed to be behind a paywall.  I can neither read the comments nor post a comment.

In Slimjet I cannot read the Mail+ articles but can read the comments and post a comment.  When I open an article to read it exits to the headline.  This doesn't happen in any other browser, it exits to where I was.

I can't find another browser that opens the Mail+ articles.

Any suggestions, apart not reading Mail Online?



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As an aside Barry, my wife has just taken out a subscription to prima magazine, £19.99 for first year, along with the subscription comes access to the daily mail or independent, print edition so I log onto her account and read the papers that way 

//Any suggestions//

Yes, get a life !!

But I would like to thank apsteq for their most informative answer 

Turning off java in a browser gets you past many paywalls, but messes up other websites, so if done, best kept to one broswer only.


Maybe some of your browsers have java issues ?


Personally I only care about seeing links that other's post, otherwise I'd not use those sites, but it's too much of a pain to be deprived of seeing what another has posted, and obviously ridiculously expensive to pay for every website that might be linked to.

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Thanks all.  I have found that reading Mail Online in Opera with uBlock Origin blocks all ads and doesn't trigger the 'disable ads' banner in MO.  

I can read the paywall articles by clicking 'reader mode' after opening the article and also access the comments.

That's interesting,  fourteen, might be useful for some.  My wife is more likely to read WaterWorld magazine than Prima and the like.  :( 

OG, I had tried turning off java and of course it does stop a lot of websites working properly.

I think OG and Barry mean JavaScript rather than Java. I don't think Java is used much in browsers any more.

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I did of course mean JavaScript, thanks

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