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The K M Links Game - October 2024 Week 1 Results

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seekeerz | 01:58 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers

Good morning everyone - Public Holiday here today, not too bad a day , which is unusual for us, it's usually pretty diabolical, one way or another !! Anyway, I'm staying put, safer that way, it seems to bring out the worst in some drivers 🤔🤪

Very quiet on the links front -

Food Stuff

Flow Chart

Spy Hole

Sky Diver

No Bonus points, but CHIEFPANDA managed to find the matches for three , while seven other players scored a point to start the new month.

Nobody managed to find Food Stuff which doesn't come as a complete surprise 😮 

The new Leaderboard....

6 points - Chiefpanda 

1 point - 7 players

Congratulations to the lucky few who scored points, hope there'll be more to join next week - till then stay safe and take care...Cheers Steff. 😘😘



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Makes a change for me.


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The K M Links Game - October 2024 Week 1 Results

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