Blown dimmer switch? in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Blown dimmer switch?

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pigface | 12:33 Wed 25th Jan 2006 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
I have wired the ceiling rose wrongly, realised that I had done so and then put the ceiling rose back how it was. The trouble is, now the dimmer switch no longer works. Do you think that I may have blown it?

I realise that I have been stupid so no answers telling me that I shouldn't have done it please!
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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but dimmer switches are very delicate items. Some years ago I wired a new dimmer switch wrongly - much the same situation as yours - the effects being the same,and I had to go out and buy a new one! Look on the bright side you've probably learnt a very valuable lesson.

Some dimmer switches contain a smaller than usual 3 amp fuse. If you're very lucky you may have one of those but you might have to hunt around a bit to find a stockist.
I should maybe add that mine was on a table lamp from IKEA and not a ceiling rose. Good luck.
I had one of those touch table lamps which had a sort of built in dimmer and when the lamp blew it took the dimmer switch out too! I thought all I had to do was put a new lamp in but that didn't work. Surely that shoudn't happen?

Dimmer switches are not so delicate but a short circuit to neutral will damage all but the most well protected.

What I would do is remove the dimmer switch and fit a normal switch and see if the lighting is workin correctly first. Yeah I know you said you put it back as it was but maybe not? if it is OK then you can assume the dimmer has probably died.

If you find your dimmer has got a fuse and its this to be replaced, one place to get them (the small size) is Maplin Electronics (in most large towns).

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Blown dimmer switch?

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