Swimming pool problem in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Swimming pool problem

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Hard@it | 00:51 Sat 11th Feb 2006 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
Friends of mine are losing water from their small swimming pool and have traced it to the grouting between the tiles. Is there any granular compound that can be added to the water like the pease meal that used to be added to leaking CH systems in the old days, or is it a case of total regrout ?
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I suspect it will involve a total regrout, if only because some of the chemicals in the "pease meal" might cause skin allergy to idividuals swimming in the pool and might make the water rather unpleasant. But your friends might need to do it soon if they live in the south of England because the water shortage is getting worse and there may not be water available for the luxury of refilling a swimming pool after it's been emptied.
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Thanks WendyS - My friends live in Turkey and I do not know about water shortage. I will go on the web re pease meal,obviously filters could not be run during the time of applcation, but do you know about applying it and where it can be obtained. I only remember using it when serving my apprenticeship,(many years ago), and it was poured directly into the feed tank. the systems were heated up and left on constant for 24 hours or so.
How much water are they losing, and what is the rate of loss?- What size is the pool?
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Thanks wings, I will find out these details and come back to you. Please keep your eyes open -Hard@it
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wings, the pool has an awkward shape and apparently is 10 X 5 metres plus 3 X 3 metres which works out according to them at 100 cubic metres, (100 ton).

I will check depth with them.

Hope you spot this

The amount of loss and regularity is vital. Leakage could come from pipes, skimmers, lights, stuck hydrostatic valve (if there is one in the sump/drain) wall cracks and natural loss through evaporation. Have they tried a bucket test initially? Have they sought professional advice? Why do they think it's the tiles?

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wings - it's nice to have company ! Thanks for reply, unfortunately the questions you ask wiill not be answeres for a week at least, as the people concerned are making their way from Turkey, and i will find out then.

The overall depth is 1.5m, and I am sure everything else has been checked and there is no spill into drains or cracks that I know of.

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will have to close this as they have found what appears to be an expensive CRACK.

Thanks for ans.

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