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Housewarming gift

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GlitteryPink | 12:59 Fri 10th Mar 2006 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Any suggestions for a little housewarming gift fot my friend and her partner.....was thinking maybe a recipe book, any reccommendations?


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Al fresco cooking. now, that's a hint to be invited back for the barbecue!

Depends on how much you wanna spend. A recipe book is a good idea. What about a nice trendy clock or black and white picture? or if you have a bit of money, a smoothie maker or cappucino maker is always a winner.

Or you could go for the comedy factor and get them a book on 'how to live together' or 'how not to annoy your partner' or something like that.

Failing all else, you can never go wrong with vouchers.

Most garden centres or nurseries sell Phalaenopsis orchids (moth orchids) in pretty ceramic pots for around �10.

These flowers will last for months....mine was in flower for 10 months and now it's flowering again !!!

Very easy to care for too

I think a recipe book is a lovely idea - how about one that they can add to. Perhaps you could start it with one or two of your favorite recipes. And if you change your mind, you can never fail when you give a bottle of champagne!

Hello Glitterypink (Great name!)

I don't know how old your friends are, but when my then boyfriend (now husband) moved in together my grandmother got him a cooking booked called 'Cooking for Blokes'.

At the time I thought it was really funny, but its actually the most used book in my kitchen! Being 18 when we moved in together we didn't really have a clue how to cook simple meals and its all the basics and answers questions like how to cook vegetables!

I've now added to it and brought 'Flash cooking for blokes', and i believe you can get them in one book hardback book. Might be useful, if they've not lived away from home before.

Also, people got us practical items (don't know if this is suitable) like cutlery, glasses, placemats etc. Might be an idea to try and find out from them, subtley what they might like.

I've waffled on long enough now - hope it helps! Polotoo

i think im going to get the "cooking for blokes" as a housewamring present for my friends whos party it is on saturday - but that leaves one present down for the girl - any idea's?



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