How Many Names Can You Think Of That Are...
ChatterBank0 min ago
Hi guys
I have been thinking of ways in which I can reuse the water that my washing machine and condenser dryer kick out. I have 5 children and so do approximately 4-5 loads a day (I have 2 in terry nappies and lots of towels/sheets per week).
I have begun to think that I should use reusable laundry balls as these reportedly leave the water chemical free. the nappies are rinsed by hand and sanitised prior to washing in the machine.
If I were to collect the water from both of these appliances in a water but of some type, could I purify the water in an eco friendly way and use it on the garden, in the kids paddling pool and also could I attache the hose to the washing machine to it and reuse the water in the washing machine? Is there a minimum water pressure washing machines require? Would I need some kind of pump?
Also, what would the effect of borax be on the water? How harmful is it and would it be bad if the kids were to use this water and would it kill plants?
I also intend to add rainwater to the butt aswel.
many thanks for you attention to this invention.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.There are loads of web sites about this in places where water is scarce such as Australia, New Zealand etc...
This already used water is called ''grey water'' in the industry, so google ''grey water recycling'' and you will find lots of info about this. Sites such as this one have plenty of ideas and suggestions on water saving.
Well, mimi, the people you have spoken to may be quite justified in thinking you are �bonkers�. I would not quite go that far, but you will note that the site to which qapmoc refers is Australian, where, in parts, water probably is scarce.
This is not the case in Great Britain, though the water companies are doing a sterling job in making people believe this is so. So, before you embark on this rigmarole (which I�m sure, with five children, you�ve really neither the time nor the inclination to do) consider this:
About two feet of water (on average) falls upon Great Britain each year. If my quick arithmetic is correct (and I�m sure I�ll be told if it is not) this equates (very roughly) to about half a million gallons for every man, woman and child in the country, or about 1400 gallons each per day. Yes, I know it does not all fall in the right places at the right time, and much of it is not collected, but that is where the water companies come in. It is their function to collect it, store it, purify it (and they still choose to purify all of it to drinking water standard when only about 1% of it is drunk), and get it to the right places at the right time. It is not their function to ration it.
To help them the country is intersected at regular and convenient intervals by quite large rivers. If fresh water proves to be inadequate the country is surrounded by sea such that nowhere is more than about 70 miles from the coast, and most places considerably closer.
Water is not a scarce resource in this country. Water supply companies with vision and the will to succeed are. Encourage the water companies to do what they are paid to do before you consider doing it for them.
Ok judge! I get the impression you feel very passionately about our water companies. One of the reasons I was looking into this 'grey water' is because we are on a water meter and while I'm trying to be green by using resuable nappies, it is costing me on my water meter. Also with all the clothes, baths, washing up etc etc, I thought it might save me a few bob aswell as being good for the water table. I already collect rainwater for my hanging baskets in the summer, but the water companies do make you feel guilty for being such a water fiend....especially in the costing department.
You are right of course, but what can we do?
Sorry, mimififi, in my eagerness to rant and rave I had not considered the water meter aspect. Of course it would be a good idea to try to use �grey� water if you are paying for it by the droplet.
Yes, I do feel passionately about the provision of water in this country. I believe that the cost of providing domestic water (this being about the only thing we all need in roughly the same quantities in order to sustain life) should be borne out of central taxation. And the very idea that people should be afraid to wash or flush the toilet because of the cost is outrageous.
The blame for the current situation must lie jointly with successive governments and the privatised water companies. I do not, as it happens, believe the situation would be any different had the water industry not been privatised. What I particularly object to is the lengths to which both the Government and the water companies will go to brainwash the population into believing we have no water just because rainfall has dropped below average for a few years.
Fortunately I am not on a water meter. For my part I shall continue to take baths instead of showers (even though I prefer the latter in the summer); I shall continue to clean my teeth under a running tap; I shall not be putting a brick or any other device into my toilet cistern. In short I shall not change my habits one iota whilst my water company continues to allow its product to escape in huge quantities from its distribution system and who have recently filled in reservoirs so that the land can be "developed" for housing (thus adding to the very problem they say they cannot cope with!).
Good luck with your efforts. I�m glad to see they are for sound economic reasons. If they succeed they will cut the profits of your supplier, which can't be bad! (Rant now finished!).