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Wollemi pine

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Thunderbird+ | 07:25 Sat 01st Apr 2006 | Home & Garden
2 Answers

The wollemi pine (discoversd only 12 years ago) is tipped to be one of the most "must have plants" for gardeners in 2006. Soon to be on sale in the UK for the first time, If you managed to survive the stampede for one, where would you try it indoors or out ?

Do you think it will become synonymous with contepory architecture, in much the same way as the related "monkey puzzle" or chile pine is with victorian architecture today ?



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I`ve got a dozen already
The Wollemi Pine is available in cooperation with RBG Kew on There are a number of ancillary items available with the tree including a book of the discovery, and a selection of hand made cards for most anniversaries and special occasions.

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Wollemi pine

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