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Garden animals

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mparkinson | 01:56 Sat 29th Apr 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
How do I keep cats from using my garden as a liter box


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Get off Crystals are the best thing I have found.You can get them in Wilkinsons.You have to reapply them after rain though.
we had a problem with cats in our newly landscaped front garden (lots of gravel and ornamental grasses. I took a bottle of ordinary white vinegar and shook it liberally all over the gravel (avoiding the plants) and have had no more trouble, I did have to reapply it after rain but haven't had to do it for ages now.

We also use Get Off crystals & spray.

We buy ours in Pets at Home, but will try Wilkinson's next time, as it might be cheaper!

regular amonia is great and cheap. definately keep cats, dogs and others away.

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