I enjoy experimenting with trying to germinate unusual things such as orange pips, avocado stones etc. but have never tried growing peanuts. Has anybody every tried it, and what sort of peanut did you use? (Obviously not the roasted in shell type !)
Thanks Buenchio. Just what I wanted to know. As I see the tap root of the peanut can reach down 18 inches this is obviously not something I can try out on my kitchen windowsill. Also, it looks like the climate here may not be suitable. Still, I might just plant a couple in a pot just to see what happens.
Hi Wendy - go to : http://www.gardenopoly.co.uk/cp-app/prod/l189/ - sell peanut seeds for the UK gardener - 'Somala' variety, plant in March , crop in the summer, so a little project for the year 2007??