I am knocking down my little shed at the weekend. This will leave me with an empty five foot square space. This space will always in the shade as it is between the fence and my new luxury " BIG SHED". Anyone suggest a big , shade loving, quick growing, flowering, evergreen bush-type-thing that I could plant to fill the gap ?? Thanks
Awwww! Poor little shed! That's typical of modern attitudes, that is. Once you're old and worn out, then no one wants you and you're cast out like the dried-up remnant of a garden flower.
Keep it and use it for extra storage. Go on. You know it makes sense. ;-)
What about a seating area to get out of the sun. You could grow a nice climber over the new shed and make a feature of the space you have. I have one bench in the sun and another in the shade. It's quite nice on a hot day.
An evergreen bush that seems to fit your cryteria is Mahonia japonica x charity, It will thrive in your shady situation, grow to approx 6ft and has fantasticly fragrant, yellow flowers that will bloom from Christmas to early spring. It needs no prunning and should add to the character of your new shed. All the Best. T bird.