what kind of Ivy do i have in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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what kind of Ivy do i have

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Early | 23:35 Tue 29th Aug 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
I live in Ohio, my yard ends at woods, I am being plagued with an ivy trying to take over my fence row, It climbs everything in sight, discription--every 6 in there,s a leaf with 3 points at the top and two aiming downward, also where each leaf is attached to the vine, it has a stem with little white flowers that are star shaped, and a green fuzzy ball,that look like quils sticking out,but they are soft, some the size of a marble, some big as golf balls, at the same spot on the vine, a thinner vine that grabs on anything to climb, same as cucs.
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Apologies to you, but what is it like in Ohio? have been to The Carolinas and Ca. and enjoyed the people and the area very much. Appreciate this may be wrong but hey !!
Cheers Hard@it
Question Author
If you mean weather, from Nov to Mar it gets very cold, but most of the time not extreme,
Without seeing the plant, its difficult to tell but the basic leaf shape is Ivy shaped but this "thinner vine that grabs onto anything" suggests to me that it may not be an Ivy at all.
The thinner vine may well be a tendril, which Ivies dont have, just small anchor roots for airial support.
We have something that grows wild here in the UK called White Bryony which sounds similar but I would'nt put money on it.
Would it be possible to post a photo, for a better chance of ID. Good Luck Tbird+
Hi again,
I just put the words 'White Bryony North America' into my search engine and it came up with several refrances including one that said that White Bryony was introduced to the US by early European settlers. Is it to late to say sorry ?
Maybe you can Google for an image ? Tbird+

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what kind of Ivy do i have

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