I am not conversant with that machine, but if that is where the pump is, then most likely the leak is from the pump or one of the connecting hoses. I used to repair washing machines, and leaks can be very deceptive. Where the water is apparent is often not near the source of the leak. I suggest first disconnecting from the main power supply- I mean remove the plug from the socket so there is no danger of electric shock. Take off the top, usually held on by two or three screws at the back of the machine. see if you can see a water mark, trace it back to its origin. If it is not visible from the top, turn the machine on its back, taking precautions not to damage any water pipes and see if you can see any evidence of a water trail from there. given my experience, it is probably from a worn hose connecting to the pump. Usually quite cheap and not technically (although it can be a pain!) difficult to replace. 'Googling' can find you a supplier, if you do not have a local shop to buy spares from. Any problems, post back. I am pretty good at this. given enough detail, I can probably help.