If I had a sure fire way of doing this I would make a million because I have tried everything including 'zoo poo', oranges, teatree oil, jeyes fluid, bleach, water pistols.Do I need to go on? You will be told to shoot them, this is the only one I haven't tried.
Hi dukas, Try this one - Rake up some old dead leaves from under a prickely holly bush and sprincle them around in the place where the cats are pooing and if you hear a noise like Rolf Harris trying to juggle a hot potato in the middle of the night, then you know its worked.
As a cat owner, I never have this problem (kitty's never poo in their own garden), so either get a cat or try a water pistol. It might deter them, and even if it doesn't, at least it's a harmless way of getting your own back.
You can have some of my pidgeons from next door's hedge now 40ft high,and no she wont have it cut down cause they nest in them, the cats have'nt got time to poo in my garden,they too busy chasing pesky things.
I don't know what sort of a cat makemesmile has - apparently "kitty's never poo in their own garden", but if they can't get out to poo anywhere else like mine then that exactly where they do it...obviously she has a very polite kitty.