does any one know of a neat way to store spare sewing machine bobbins i am fed up of tidying them up also the thread gets tangled up what a mess. any suggestions please.
perhaps slicing a tube lengthways (like centre of clingfilm or similar) and standing them on their sides. that way there'd be no movement but you could still see the colours : )
I have a special box that hold about 20 bobbins. I have a husqvarna so it has little bobbins. Inside the box is an apperture which is exactly the same size as the bobbins so they don't roll around. I also have some little pink collars which you canslide onto the bobbins which keep the thread in place and stop them unravelling.
I purchased these from world of sewing in Tunbridge wells. They have a web site and you can order over the phone and tehy will post.