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wooden beading

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boobesque | 14:58 Fri 29th Sep 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
alright guys this is the most simplist thing in the world but for the past 2 days it has me stumped. imagine i needed a wooden bead, 1/2" x 1/2" and however long. what would i search for in google? i have tried wooden beading, wooden batton, timber merchants but none have what i need. what would you search for and does anybody know of a decent website for this? thanks.


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Hi Boobesque,

I would try wood mouldings.


Try here: =183

B&Q, Wickes, Focus etc sell a selection, but you might have to visit several stores before you find the right one. If you are trying to match an existing old piece, then a keen woodworker would probably make a piece for you for a beer or two.

Good luck
You might try Google for bead-art or a place called the beadman. I am supposing this is like the wooden beads on a necklace, or I might be way off.
You're way off Mouse. Beading is not connected to beads.

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