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drawing on bedroom wall

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emmapayne27 | 14:26 Mon 02nd Oct 2006 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
I am terrible at drawing but my little girl wanted me to paint some pictures of her favourite princess's on her wall, I have done a few but they are only size A4 as I had to trace them, how can I do them bigger


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Trace the outline onto some clear plastic and if you can get hold of a projecter, you can project the image onto the wall and copy over the lines
I am not sure, but I think that your local High St print shop may be able to copy your drawing onto clear plasic that you can project onto the wall.
mark the A4 sheet into grids and just copy one grid at a time on to the wall, on a lager scale.
Yeah, what cidermonkey says.
My wife did a whole "Lion King" bedroom with life size characters using that method. It looked brilliant and she honestly can't draw for toffee.
or enlarge your pictures using a photocopier - you can then have them on acetate film or paper.

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drawing on bedroom wall

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