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Birchy | 13:24 Fri 19th Sep 2003 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
If you wished to turn your old outside toilet into - say - a sauna, laboratory or a very small gymnasium....would you have to seek planning permission? After all, the structure is already there, so could you effectively use it for anything? (Not a retail unit/cafe or the likes, obviously).


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Assuming you live in England or Wales (the law is different in Scotland and I know diddly squat about it), I'm pretty certain that you will not require planning permission if you merely want to change the use of your outside loo. If, however, you want to extend it, then that is a different kettle of fish and you may well need to seek planning permission if, for instance, you have exhausted your permitted development rights (i.e. you've extended your property previously) and/or the proposed extension is a certain distance away from your property or a highway. This is a general guide though, as different councils have different rules. It would be a good idea to have a word with your local planning office for advice.
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I don't have an outside lav Miss Z.......I was more concerned about the original declaration that may suggest that the building was solely for the use of lavatorying. I'd simply like the opportunity to say to a lav-convertee that his current usage was in contravention of his title deeds. Sorry for trivialising your answer, but I posted the question in the hope that non-toiletry use may be deemed illegal !
No probs, but my answer is still the same I'm afraid! On the basis of your further info though, I can't see how anyone can provide a definitive answer to your question without looking at your lav convertee's deeds to see if there are any restrictive covenants in there (i.e. saying the loo can't be converted etc).

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