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Cleaning a baby George Forman Grill

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Eve | 12:58 Fri 02nd Feb 2007 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
What's the best product to use on this to give it a really good spring clean withouth damaging it?


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Oh my god!! Thats quite spooky!! I got my George Foreman out last night to use after not having used it for a while and i discovered it was covered in mould! Obviously i had not cleaned it properly after using it last time! Naughty me. I used evrything imaginable to remove it but had no sucess! Think i will have to invest in a new one. If this helps at all i find the best way is to clean it when it is still warm using a scouring pad.. ought to follow my own advice really eh..?? Let me know if you find any miracle cleaning agents!x
Heat it a little bit (not fully) and then use a plastic impliment to scrape the gunk off without taking off the non stick surface.

Also try Fairy Power Spray, I find it very good at removing cooked on food residue
Before storing rub a little cooking oil on the plates.
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Thanks for all your answers :)

Those special sponges look brilliant, will be getting myself some of them!

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Cleaning a baby George Forman Grill

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