Hi, Can anyone clarify the law with regards to my rights in cutting the branches of my neighbours tree which overhang my garden by about 3-4ft? Am I right in thinking that I could just cut them, but throw the cut branches into his garden? Clearly, it would be better to remain on good terms with him, and to ask politely for him to cut them. However, he is the sort who may not comply.
I had to see a solicter about a problem and asked him about this he said yes and really they do belong to him so you could throw them over the fence.
To keep the peace i wouldn't .
While i was there he told me a neighbours dog had done the business in his garden.So he got a shovel and posted it through there door as that did belong to them.
I can only speak for myself when I say: If you cut my tree and throw the refuse into my yard you will certainly need a soliciter (or someone) to help get my foot out of your back porch.