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Silver Birch

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Brannigrch | 16:05 Mon 02nd Apr 2007 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Can I remove a Silver Birch Tree and replant it at this time of year?


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Hi Brannigrch, You could of course but I think it would be a far safer bet to trensplant it in the dormant season from, say late sept to jan. The sap rises early in birch and any accidental damage to the roots could have a bad affect on the tree.
If it is container grown the risk on harm would be less but in the open ground, I would'nt recomend it.
All the Best Tbird+
Question Author
Thanks Tbird. It was container grown up until about 2mths ago. Do you think that this would mean less harm to it if i move it now? Cheers Brannigrch
Hi again, In 2 months It probably has'nt made too much new root and will stand a much better chance than one thats been growing there for years.
If you think you can move it with a minimum of disturbance then I say- Go for It! and give it plenty of water for at least the first year. Good Luck. Tbird+
I move stuff all the time, BUT when I replant it I always

water the hole well first
fork up the bottom of the hole and
mix with good garden compost (we make our own)
plant the tree, with a stake and with more compost around it
water it again and spray the leaves and branches
check every day & water if needed
spray the leaves and branches (even when there aren't any leaves) with water too, every day, at least for a week, more often for a month - obviously I don't move stuff in frosty weather

Good luck!

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