Hi there, I live with 2 fellas and the bathroom carpet always gets a little smelly around the toilet bowl, any ideas on how to clean it? Also...our bin in the kitchen always smells, Ive tried to keep cleaning it and disinfecting it, but its a right pain! So just general household tips for odour and of course, the nasty bathroom smell!
only one way to deal with men and bathroom carpet, remove the carpet! the urine soaks into it and will just continue to smell.
if you're keeping the kitchen bin really clean, and use a bin liner, try using zoflora disinfectant after you've washed it. it's a very srongly perfumed, concentrated disinfectant.
I would advise against laminate and go with a good quality vinyl that looks like a wood/laminate floor.
Vinyl is much easier to fit in a bathroom especially when trying to cut around a toilet bowl. Places like 'carpet right' have a good selection and you may be able to get an offcut that will do.
If you have bath sides and ends, trying to fit laminate underneath will not be easy.
These boys just need shaming, but i've cut the carpet up and scrubbed the floor underneath and scrubbed the carpet, re-laid it and have bought a new rug for it!