Sounds like the rads need bleeding, particularly if they don't heat up properly. It's simple to do by using a key to let the air out. You can also buy little gadgets now, which catch any water which runs down.
It's probably got air trapped in it and requires "bleeding" to remove the airlock. As you say there should be a small pipe which you can uncap to complete this operation
Can I just say - when you bleed your radiators, please either do it when the radiators are cold or warm. If you bleed them when they're hot, make sure you wear thick rubber gloves!
The reason I mention this, is 'cos a bloke we know started bleeding his rads when they were still hot, he dropped the bleeding key & ended up at the hospital with a very badly scolded hand!
Doc - if radiators are hot at the bottom, but not at the top, they will probably need to be bled. Once you've put the bleeding key in to let the air out, the hot water will soon rise to the top & could very well burn you if you don't close it quickly enough!
Radiators shouldn't need bleeding all the time unless there is a leak in the system and air is getting in - alternatively there is no anti-corrosion inhibitor in the system which there should be.
Spot on, Woodchopper. The whole world seems to believe air magically gets into their CH. It doesn't - nine times out of ten this is gas created by not having enough corrosion inhibitor in the system. Your rads are being eated alive from the inside!