Interesting and cryptic name, there mesmerred... but to your question... Ice-Maiden has a kernel of an idea that you may wish to consider. Why don't you try, for one season, limiting the size of your garden. If you're growing vegetables, consider a small plot with one or two raised beds, perhaps 3 feet X 8 feet in size and 10 to 12 inches high. It's amazing how many vegetables plots of this size will produce. And, if your are growing flowers, try to consider only perennials which should help cut down on the planting come spring. Many plants grow well together and provide sufficient ground cover to eliminate all but the most agressive weeds. I enjoy raising roses (even hybridizing a few) and I plant one corner of the rose garden with several varieties about 3 feet apart and in the bare spaces between I plant a dwarf variety of Baby's Breath (Gypsophila repens), which produces a nice backdrop for the roses, but provides enough shade to keep the weeds away. In the fall, the Baby's Breath plant snaps off cleanly after the first heavy frost and the roses are simply pruned back (I do cover the teas in our harsh western U.S. winters)... anyway, see about limiting your tasks to the amount of time you can devote... Best of luck!