Turned television on today & the very centre of the picture is ok but the rest of it is tinged with green. Was fine yesterday. TV is only about 18 months old, any ideas
checked all leads, everything fine. don't have any magnets.................. Did move stereo yesterday & the speakers were moved closer to the tv but they are small speakers. don't know if that would affect it? is it worth getting an engineer out or is it cheaper nowadays to get a new tv?
It's the movement of the loudspeakers that's done it they have strong magnets in them.
Unless they are screened speakers for use with AV equipment I'd move them away from the TV ASAP.
Definately the speakers. Move them and then degauss the tv if the greenness doesn't go away. Usually all you need to do is unpug it for 30 mins and then turn it on again.
Turned it on this morning, still much the same. Speakers have been moved, did that yesterday. Unplugged it before going to work. Got it, turned it on & although it is still green it is certainly better than it was. I hope that it just rectifies itself over the next day or 2!! Thanks for all advice
Spoke too soon! TV was not too bad last night, colour not brilliant but better than it was. But this morning it is green & purple!! No speakers or anything around it, beginning to think its actually a problem with the tv. Is it time to get someone in or consider getting a new tv??
TV appears to be much better, almost normal picture. Very slight green tint in one corner but other than that is seems to be ok. Thank you for all the advice given & I will remember never to move the stereo & speakers close to the tv again!!