I have a constant battle with limescale, on the taps, sink and draining board as well as on the shower cubicle. Maybe the only real answer is to fit a water softener. I have been told that the coil-round-the-pipe type is useless. So what would be an economical solution?
there isn't really one - we had the coil thingy in our combi boiler when it was new 3 years ago. the coil lasted less than a year before the boiler had to be repaired due to limescale. We noe have a proper ater softner and it was about 1000 pounds. on the plus side yu use about 1/2 the washing powder/wup liquid and showergel/shampoo
The only real answer IS a proper water softener. Coils, magents and various other paraphenalia are claimed to change the shape of the hard water molecules to discourage them from sticking to surfaces but I've always found it a myth.
�1000 for a water softener is OTT. Price of a decent one from about �500 plus fitting.