Chives are OK, but if you plan to grow them in a garden as opposed to a container, be forewarned... they will take over everything. After they flower the tops seeds into zillions of tiny seeds and they propagate worse than weeds and they're almost impossible to dig out after they've started their conquest... I'd be sure to add Rosemary...
The main advice I'd give is don't buy packets of seeds - just buy one plant of each from a garden centre and if you have something that takes over- especially mint - put it in a pot. I grow all my herbs in pots these days. Don't plant basil until the frosts are over.
Thanks guys
Should have said that I want to plant them indoors.
I've already inherited some outdoor rosemary, sage & lemon balm plants when I moved into my house.
I'm growing some mint in a pot of it's own, tried some chilli plants (very successful) tomatoes (not again)
Oh yes I've got some strawberry seeds that I need to plant - any advice there?
JD - I have various herbs growing in terracotta pots on my window sill. They don't need much care except for watering which I do once per week. And put an occasional stake to support some of them upright. Other than, that they always do great and bless be with abundance.
I use a dehydrator to dry the excess, or sometimes freeze them fresh. The dried ones are more concentrated in flavour.
Hi ice.maiden
I keep all my dried herbs in an airtight container (jar) I don't see why you couldn't keep it in an airtight bag - any reason for not putting it into a jar?
I keep my chillies in the freezer whole & then use it as I need it.
I keep fresh coriander in the freezer too (washed & then chopped)
Most herbs come from hot, dry mediterranean countries so bear that in mind when growing them....sunny, well drained soil is the order of the day.
I grow all mine in pots with the exception of lemon and common thyme which is on the rockery. Try some mint in pots for your spuds and peas and also a bit of Tarragon for chicken.
As mentioned, Rosemary is a must for lamb and a bit of sage always goes down well with pork....and i always keep a small bay tree for my curries too.