I have just bought a bay tree to go into a large pot ,it is not in the best of condition but as it was going at half price I thought I would try to bring it back to life ,I have put it in my green house to protect it from the elements but wondered what would be the best time to plant it outside
This may not be off any help but mine is in my garden all the time. I do how ever live far south.
So It needs to be about 48 degrees faranhite 5-6 degrees centergrade. That seems to be the best tempreture for it. they do of course enjoy it warmer to
Hello! I live in the north and grow mine outside. You are doing the correct thing in revitalising. Once you are happy that it is growing well again and the severe weather has gone, I would put your pot outside. Equally it should do well in the ground should you wish to plant it there.
I'd get it in the ground now provided the ground doesn't have any frost on it or is waterlogged. A handful of chicken manure pellets or growmore at planting time forked in the bottom of the hole will help it come spring.
Just done loads of planting at work and everything is fine.