Being greenminded (ish) I have been composting all my scraps and stuff for about a year. Initially the little bit of compost that I got out the bottom was good, but when I went to get a more on the weekend it is black and very wet, with egg shells still clearly visable. Have I got to leave it longer? it is never going to work? If I have to get rid of it and start again - how??
It seems you may have too much green stuff in the bin which gives a lot of water. Try puting in a good few handhfuls of shredded paper (any type) or dry leaves if you have any. This will help to soak up the moisture as well as helping in the break down of the organic stuff. With compost you also need to turn it regularly so the air can circulate within the rotted bits and help the microbes do their thing.
Oh, right, thanks. Would buying some worms to put in there help or would they just tunnel out of the bottom?
When you say shredded paper - would even white printer paper be OK? I didn't realise I could put that kind of paper in there - I put in loo roll inners and kitchen paper but nothing else.