Is there an age limit on electricity meters? My electricity usage appears to have saored recently even though I am sure I am actually using less. I know I can have a check meter fitted for �80, but my meter is now 10 years old. could this have anything to do with it?
The easy answer is contact your supplier and express your concerns. Bear in mind tho that prices have gone up, so it could be genuine. I have fitted out all my lighting with low energy bulbs, which are cheap to run, but I am having to pay more.
three years ago , in the summer month , i was using about 9-10 pounds per week , on the electricty meter ..and i was hardly there , at the 1 bedroom flat , they are simply there to m ake money , utility companies ,.... depending on size of house/flat ....... a guideline is �10 - �18 per week ... for electricity ,, hte flat that i was using there was no gas ....