i want to make a raised worm bed in an empty stable to compost my horse muck can anyone tell me the best material to use as the base so the compost will fall through once the worms have done their work? THANK YOU.
Not too sure what materials to use, but as long as it is raised up on legs and has holes in the bottom for the compost to fall out of, pretty much anything should be OK. I can highly recomend purchasing a worm composting bin. I bought mine from wigglywigglers.co.uk. If you don't want to buy from them, they will be able to give you some good advice to help you on your way. Wiggly Wigglers also have stuff on Facebook and YouTube.
thanks for your anwswer but tot get me started i have used an old toy box and drilled some drain holes in it and filled it with muck and shredded newspaper i have put the worms in and left them to it. i keep it moist but i haven't disturbed it to see if they are doing their work ok