Please help, I have a manhole in my bedroom. Are these illegal? I know nothing about them but assumed they were only meant to be outside?? Can waste come up through this manhole? Its a small room in a ground floor flat. Surely this is not right??
No, I have been told that the flats are only 3 years old. I had a problem with the toilet blocking and overflowing on 2 occasions. I called the landlord who sent plumbers. I told them about the manhole and they too seemed quite shocked that this was in the bedroom. Defo not a coal hole cover. They had opened it but told me to leave the room as I was holding my baby. Very worried this can cause problems
We had a conservatory built over a manhole and had to have it replaced with one they described as "double sealed". If you haven't got one of this type your builder has probably not met Building Regs so you should get in touch with the Council.
Cathyhuns is on exactly the right lines.
No waste will come through a double sealed, scred down cover.
Covers in most conservatories do not count - they are not counted as habitable rooms (by and large).
I did answer on other post, but no not illegal at all. and often you will find internal manholes where a person has built an extension and not even bothered putting an access hatch in so the whole lot has to be dug up if any damage is found in pipes