I have a topper, and it has been great but I now need to replace it. A friend bought a full mattress but does not like it. Personally I would like to buy one.
Agree with Chuck. We have one, and it's beautiful. Mattress toppers are also fine - if you have a nice deep one. My children have them - about 3.5 inches thick, and they love geting into bed because it's so comfortable.
As the memory foam beds are so very expensive, I have a 2" deep memory foam topper, placed on top of a sprung mattress. I am more than happy with this, it's so comfy. the only trouble is that it's so comfy I never want to get up in the morning. By the way, it's a double size, bought from Tesco Direct, and cost �70 delivered. Hope you find what you want.
Do you think it has something to do with what size you are. I know a really big couple who bought a full one and love it, and a friend of mine who is slim doesn't like hers.
We have a Tempur matress and since having it, I have never woken in pain since. It's now difficult for me to go away and stay at hotels, as I know I'll not get a decent night sleep in their bed and will be aching all over in the morning.
It's definitely worth paying a bit more for a good matress, considering how much of our lives we spend in bed.
another forum i belong to has discussed this at length and it was about a 50/50 split for and against, from those who had bought and used one. trouble is you don't know till you try it do you? lot of money wasted if you don't like it.
i believe that for ladies of a certain age they're not so good as they keep the heat in and can be very 'sweaty'.