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flarmboody | 07:17 Tue 03rd Feb 2009 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
I wonder if anyone knows why risono sticks to the bottom of the pot whilst cooking.....I'm constantlt having to stir it.... Are there any solutions? thanks everyone


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It is normally recommended to add some vegetable oil to the water to prevent any pasta sticking. If adding it to say, a soup or similar dish just pop it into the soup about 8-10 mins before it`s finished cooking.
what's risono?
Three possible faults:
1.Incorrect rice,don't buy jusr "Rissotto rice.but Arborio rice.
2.Too high a heat.
3.Not enough stock, stock should be added all the time to stop the rice from sticking/burning.
Risoni is actually a tiny form of pasta. It looks like big rice grains, hence the confusion.
Oh, & rice for risotto or paella for instance, should be stirred in the oil you`ve probably cooked the onion & garlic in to coat the grains before gradually adding stock. This prevents it becoming soggy & sticking together. Should be slightly nutty or "al dente" as the Italians have it.
Thanks Brooksy,
I had never heard of Risoni,and assumed (wrongly) that
flarmboody was just mis~spelling Risotto!
(Note to self,never assume).

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