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Re fitting a tap from yesterday Builder/raysparks

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lindylou16 | 18:42 Mon 16th Feb 2009 | Home & Garden
11 Answers
Hello All set to go got Artic spray , and choccybicciesJust one tiny questionWhen i remove the old 1/2 inch stop valve can i remove the old olive without cutting the pipe.
Rising main pipe is about 8 inches long and i am worried about amount of frozen pipe i must have,


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Hi Lindy...............
just to make sure I've got this're replacing the stoptap because you can't get it to turn off?

If so............can you not freeze and fit a new one on the "house" side of the old tap............and just leave the old one in place?
Question Author
Nearly right I am replacing the old stop valve because it leaking from the mains side a i want to replace it with a new one.
ahhh it................if you freeze and take of the old're going to have an old 1/2 inch copper pipe looking at you that right :o)
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Spot on
right............I asked because I wanted to be sure you have the right size (1/2 inch) fitting to connect to the main........................we're getting there LOL
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Mains side 1/2 inch new valve 15MM both ends House side 15mm pipe is there going to be a pronblem Please say No
............. welcome to the world of plumbing LL

oh God.........I wish I was there.................15mm olive is just slightly smaller than old 1/2 inch......................unless you're very won't fit on to the 1/2 inch pipe.
Sometimes they do, but, it's not the time to find out when you have 20 mins with an ice plug up your pipe

Assuming your old tap still turns OK.............

1 choccy bikkie
2 freeze your 8 inches of pipe
3 undo the leaking end (mains end)
4 wrap 5 or 6 turns of PTFE tape around the olive
5 wind the backnut back on........tight, but not gorilla tight if you know what I mean
6 if it still weeps.....then at least your only back to square one.

A plumber would go ahead and fit your new 15mm fitting...................not hard.........just takes a bit of experience ........not something that one can type out :o(

I've had another idea...............I'll type while you're reading this lot :o)

Push-fit.....................either Polypipe, Hep2o, Speedfit

a push-fit stoptap...............they're all 15mm........but, if you ream out the screw-on cap (that slides over the pipe)'ll go on................I've done it before :o)

The cap is only can ream it out with a round file, or a round bar of some sort with a bit of abrasive paper wrapped around it......

Remove old olive first...........use a junior hacksaw........cut most of way through olive without scratching pipe.........then lever off with a screwdriver or does that sound?
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Thank you for your patience Will PTFE first But if olive fits pipe can i remove old olive without cutting pipe
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All info there job looks easy now LOL Thank you again
see above concerning cutting old olive Lindy............gotta go for a while............ speak later................exciting isn't it?

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Re fitting a tap from yesterday Builder/raysparks

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