A very large hole has appeared under some decking in my garden. I was just about to remove the decking as it's rotten but don't want to disturb any badger/fox mothers and young that might be down there. There was more fresh soil at the mouth of the tunnel this morning, so something is definitely using it. What is the likelihood of there being young down there at this time of year. Would the parents be aggressive if disturbed?
It depends on whether you are an urban dweller or rural.
If rural then i doubt very much if its Foxes because they have there young in February.Badgers also have there young Jan-March.
It could be a Badger making a new sett,or a Fox venturing out on its own for the first time.Not very helpful i'm afraid.
There is also the neighbours dog if pregnant trying to find somewhere to give birth.
If you are still worried i would phone the R.S.P.C.A. and see what they think.
Thanks MAGICALTIMES. It's a rural garden - there are still also rabbits under another part of the decking so I'm assuming that would rule out the possibility of foxes in the large hole?