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Enfleurage Chassis

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pigletste | 18:00 Tue 16th Nov 2004 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
How do you build an enfleurage chassis for making perfume from fresh flowers?


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I entered enfleurage chassis on google and came up with this...



Question Author
Yep, I looked up that one, but it illustrates how to do it with glass plates as in dinnerware.  I'm wondering about how to build the glass framework such as the ones from the early 1900s.

What about trying to contact someone here...


Question Author
What a great link. Thank you!
pigletste, can you please tell me the answer? i really need to know this in order to complete my science term project!
Question Author
Wow, hi! It's been five years since I explored this hobby. Try contacting Kim Groves at: She still demonstrates enfleurage at the MN Renaissance Festival.

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Enfleurage Chassis

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