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How much would pay someone?

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ummmm | 13:55 Wed 12th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
To look after your child while you went away. My sister in law has said that she'll look after my 11 year old son when we get married and go on honeymoon. Just wondering how much a week to pay her.

She says she doesn't want paying but of course we will. I think �40 towards her shopping bill but have no idea how much to pay her for having him and helping us out?


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I wouldn't want paying either! Perhaps give her some money towards any extras he might want to buy if they go out for the day or something - or give it to him if you can trust him! �40 towards the shopping is a nice idea.
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I couldn't not pay her. Ginger wants to go away for a minimum of 3 weeks so it's a long time to have a child. Although he's a good boy I'd feel better if she just took the money.
An absent father pays around �25 -�30 per week so �40 is a nice amount to offer.
If they won't take the money, take them out for a meal as a thankyou.
I she is not at work and can look after him then just buy her some groceries in for the week and bring her something good back from your holiday. She may not want paying but she won't want to be taken advantage of even though she seems fine about it now.
How about giving him some extra pocket money (left for safekeeping with your sister for any trips out etc, and then buying her a gift voucher (could be a Supermarket voucher). Better than giving a close family member money for looking for your son, which makes it seem like a chore rather than doing something that most close family members would do willingly.
well how much does he cost you a week, base it around that + 10% and bring her a nice pressie back of course
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I was thinking �100 a week for her and �40 to cover him. I wasn't sure if that was enough though.

It's only come up because Ginger wants to look at booking. I asked his opinion but he just said 'give her what you want'....very helpful lol
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He costs me too much mcffluff because he's a greedy pig and keeps stealing food..!!
I'm with you ummmm- I would feel too guilty not to give anything, but as it is family, I don't think that you can equate it to a price per hour. I think if it was for a weekend then a small amount to pay towards a trip or something is fine. For that length of time, definitely give money for groceries - most 11 year olds eat a lot! and I would also give her some money "in case he needs it" e.g. for school stuff or trips with friends etc. I would then just buy her a nice gift to say thank you. She can then choose whether or not to give you back the "just in case" money as she sees fit.

Hope it all goes well.

Lofty, I want to belong to your family.
Thats exactly what i was going to say ummm,roughly �350-�400 and then you can go away and have a great time without feeling guilty!
Pay? Get her an appt to see a Psychiatrist on your return...private off course.
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I'll go with that figure then. If she doesn't want to take it I'll tell her to spend it on the kids. She has 3 herself. Then we can take her out for dinner when we get back....and show off our tans.

Well me at least....ginger can't go in the
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Why sqad?
Ha ha, Annie!! Actually perhaps I am not the best one to give advice as I have no siblings! However, I have had kids farmed out to me. In fact I have had a whole family come and 'sponge' off me for weeks when I was virtually penniless. I must be a mug!!
ummm....c' you want me to spell it out OR do I get the bit about him being good mannered, well behaved, no problem.......etc etc?
I would pay towards the shopping bill and maybe pop some extra in for a few day trips out or a meal or something.

Perhaps give them supermarket vouchers for their local shop rather than give them cash towards the groceries
red........good afternoon, where have you been all day?
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He's very well behaved as long as brother's not about. My other son will be staying with my Mum..
You pinched my idea Red!! Anyway I bet your sister would have your kids for months and would probably pay you for letting you have them!!

Hope you are OK x
Ummm,you could always put the money in an envelope and then put it on top of the cupboard,behind plant etc...and phone them when your on the way to the airport to tell them its there! problem solved!

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