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'Touch' lamp?

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BettM | 15:34 Sun 30th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Not sure if this is the right place for this query.

This may be a daft question [or not] but most days about 8.10 am my touch lamp comes back on, it's freaking me out - does this happen to anyone else?


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Is your touch Lamp also an Alarm Clock . Maybe it comes on at the same time as you Alarm Goes Off !!
Maybe its possessed
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No, it isn't an alarm. It is a few years old, do you think it is trying to tell me it should retire? It's a bit disconcerting to leave the room then going back to find the lamp back on.

I thought there may be a technical reason for it happening.
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No it's me who is possessed - the first time it happened I looked around for an intruder - lol
As Mc'knobby says, it is possessed ! Have you got a lodger hiding under bed who is switching it on ! lol
We have touch lamps in the bedroom, but they only come on if you touch them. It must be a bit scary to have them come on by themselves. Why they do that I don't know.
Probbably just a fault in the PCB bett wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

Just a thought have you spilt any liquid on it recently?

and yes I have my sensible head on now
Lol redman when I first read your reply I thought you said.

Have you got a todger hiding under your bed
Same thing is happening to my sisters lamp so perhaps it's an inherent fault. She was starting to think the house was haunted and I'm sure will be pleased to hear someone else is having the same problem.
Hya moonshadow do you remember when I was being followed by a moon shadow
Hi bett - yes I have a touch lamp which can go on and off by itself all the time - I just presume with age it's got more sensitive
I can indeed knobby, welcome back Cariad I haven't seen you on here for a while
Hi bett - my touch lamp has been doing that for some time now - I presumed that with age it has just got more sensitive
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Well, I know I haven't a lodger under the bed [not enough room] - but I am pleased that it is happening to someone else. The odd thing is that it comes on at around the same time.
No liquids near it. Perhaps it is possessed after all.
Oh well, I suppose I will just have to live with it.
Thankyou all for your thoughts.
Hi bett - this happens regularly with my touch light and I presumed it was just getting more sensitive to surroundings with age. But now I'm spooked as I tried to post this twice and something is stopping me
likely is something happening around that time then like a power surge ? or a vibration ? eg someone else's alarm going off or moving about at that time
Ok my computer is going mad and maybe me too - it's the lamp I tell you
What weeal said..............
do you have big moths.....
Hee craft , moths that can tell the time ? x

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'Touch' lamp?

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