We would love to have an orange and lemon tree in the garden of our house in Spain, however as we are not gardeners really don't know where to start.
Can they survive in a pot or is the garden better?
What kind of soil (garden very sandy) +/or fertilisers?
General care. Any suggestions or help greatly appreciated.
Thanks E
Citrus trees love sandy soil and would be better in the garden than in a pot; must have plenty of sun and once the first year is over when you'll water every week, they'll thrive on their own. Buy the trees locally from a nursery. In the Spring you can give them some fertilizer for citrus trees to green up the leaves and get more fruit.
At one of the big garden centres at Crews Hill they have for sale an absolutely enormous orange tree in a huge pot.(easily 7ft tall)...so it can be done - just pot it up gradually into the biggest pot you can...