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Goofy | 15:53 Sat 22nd Jan 2005 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
I want to catalogue all my books. Is ther a (free) programme that I can just enter the ISBN number, and all the details are filled in? I know it is possible for DVDs because I have that!


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I use a shareware prog at , this has music books or film to catalogue, you get 100 entries free before you have to buy the programme, i find it very usefull and it lists lots of relevant stuff to whatever you want to enter, hope this helps.

You could try You can enter books. DVD, Video CD's almost anything. There is no limit to the amount you enter and its free.

Version 2.0 does not support windows me so is you running that then look in the archive for an earlier version


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I've now looked at both these programmes.
Pity they don't combine some of their ideas!
Many thanks - just need to decide which to use the free one, or t'other which is rather better!

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