The ground should be cultivated, consolidated, raked and graded, removing any stones/ rubbish over 25mm. A base fertilizer (growmore is OK) can then be applied and lightly raked into surface, THEN water the ground, dont walk on it again and lay the turf from boards.
hello landscaper
after putting lawn turf down
what treatment do i have to do
if so
what do you==reccomend
i know you have to water it now and then
thank you
It is most important that the turf does not dry out, altho looking at the forecast for the next week you should be OK. It will root in 10-14 days and as long as you can walk on it without leaving indentations, give it a high cut. Thereafter cut twice a week until established, gradually lowering the blades. Once established dont cut any lower than an inch or so.