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Moving to the countryside

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JB | 21:56 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Finally, after trying to move to the countryside for 3 years, it looks like it's finally going to happen. Due to exchange contracts on the sale of our house on Thursday, then plan to rent in the SW for a while before settling on a permanent home. Any hints/tips/ideas/advice gratefully welcomed! (I asked a similar question over a year ago, but that sale fell through.)


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Don't do it. The countryside is full of strange, banjo-playing people who are blood-related to their spouses!!
where in SW?
Make sure your new home is in a tesco or asda home delivery area and you will be fine
get stuffed bobjugs :-)
Ignore Bobjugs. I have always lived in the country until 8 months ago. Now I live in a city (albeit in a very nice area on the edge with some stunning views) and I bloody hate it. I want peace and quiet and isolation!!!!! (Good idea to realise that in the country, we have the "country mile" and the "country hour" which are both as long as you want them to be).
I`m from the south west and live in the big city now. I presume you come from the town/city. Only thing I would say is some "townies" find it difficult travelling miles to get to any facilities (ie 10 miles to the supermarket and not on any delivery circuits) so check out your area. My mum had to go 100 miles every day for radiotherapy a couple of years ago. Whereabouts are you going?
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Hee hee Bob - but better that than dodging bullets and gangs of feral hoodies!

4get - Cornwall/Devon
Actually ignore me. The others are right, the countryside is good. Theres nothing better than having your nearest pub 12 miles away from your house, your nearest Tesco an hours drive away, and the smell of cowshit in the summer. Never mind all those aggresive foxes!!

Oh right yer they are all blood related to their spouses lol
We moved to the countryside (just outside of Hereford) from Aylesbury 3 years ago. I worked outside of Dunstable at the time and the difference is quite hard to get used to at first. The pace of life is much different (a lot slower), the people are friendlier (genuinely nice and kind), you can't get the same range of stuff in the shops (the supermarkets are a lot smaller), everyone knows everyone else (and they ARE all related somehow - though not married to their own realtions (I don't think!)), you have to drive everywhere (though the traffic is not so heavy - but they do drive REALLY slowly).
bob surely the aggresive ones are in cities. They are quite wild round here and wouldnt go near a house. My tesco is 20 minutes away and pub about 2 mins walk
My sister lived in Plymouth for many years and really loved it. Sufficiently city for those benefits and so near to sea and moors.
Just watch out for tractors being driven by drunk Lithuanians.....
JB forgot to say regarding supermarkets - you won`t need to go to any for meat or veg because as the SW is such a fantastic area for farming you will have good butchers and markets selling local produce. My mum moved to live near me in London last year and she absolutely hates supermarket meat which she`s never had to buy in her life before. If you go to the coast you`ll never have to buy fish again in the supermarket either. Oh and labour charges are half the price so you don`t get ripped off to get your car serviced or to get a tradesman in
I moved from the city to the country - and I'd never go back. It's a different world and I love it. Good luck. x
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Sorry - computer crashed!
Dot - supermarkets aren't that important to me - would rather buy from independants
Barmaid - country miles and hours are very appealing!
Sherrard - I'm hoping for a slower pace!
If it's anywhere around Exeter JB, then make sure you try all the village pubs................................. :o)
You'll probably be alright if you're white - not too many non white folk tend to live in rural areas - don't really know why - and most of the "indigenous" population are not awfully well disposed to non whites.

I'm not saying that to be confrontational, just speaking from lots of experience.
I was - but it really does take a lot of getting used to (but I had also given up working full time so I suppose it was only to be expected). Good luck, hope it works out the way you want it too (I couldn't go back now - the stress would kill me!).
Everytime I see Escape to the Country, I get green with envy JB. Give me the country every time

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