Can anyone recommend a good colour masonry paint? in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Can anyone recommend a good colour masonry paint?

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lillythepink | 21:09 Sun 27th Jun 2010 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
I am getting the outside of my house painted. It's a Victorian terraced house (currently grey pebble dashing). The back of the house is cream, but I was thinking it would be nice to have a colour at the front.

It would be great if anyone could suggest colours they've used that have worked out well and pictures would be ideal!

Many thanks
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We had the front of our Victorian terrace painted five years back, we had it done in pale green with the plasterwork picked out in white. So many other people had cream or yellow, and we wanted to be different - and five years on, it still looks fresh and good - and we are the only green house in the road!

My neighbours on one side painted theirs a nice pink, and the other side have now gone lilac, so we are like a mini-Balamory in our road.... but it does make a refreshing change from the usual creams and stone colours.
Yes... "Willow" is a good suggestion.
google Aberaeron and look at some of the combinations used there everything from brights to pastels.... Can't tell you what it is called but a family down my mums road have a lovely shade sort of palest blue/lilac they've got white gloss and a deep blue violet front door really clean looking and very unusual.

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Can anyone recommend a good colour masonry paint?

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