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Lilies{cutting them from pot plant]

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oscarina | 17:11 Tue 13th Jul 2010 | Gardening
3 Answers
I have beautiful red lilies growing in pot plants, it has been quite windy and I don't want them to be blown down, if I cut them will they come again next year!


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If they don't get a chance to die back the bulb will not plump up very well...can you not stake them with twiggy sticks as support... I have stakes in a lot of my pots for other plants no reason why you can 't do the same for lilies
As long as the foliage is allowed to die-back they will come again next year.
I read somewhere that you cut them back straight after flowering so thats what I always do every year and they always come back huge..Just cut one lot back yesterday so I am amazed to read peoples responses...I always let my spring bulbs die back....But not my lillies and as I say they're always fine - weird...

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Lilies{cutting them from pot plant]

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