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The Shops

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B00 | 10:57 Mon 13th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Ok, here's the's the things i need from the shops. It's peeing down and i REALLY dont want to go out in it, so i want a volunteer....

dog food
summet for tea
sunday joint for my freezer
take Mr Boo's watch to be fixed
Library (something funny to read please)
i said i'd look in discount shop, as i know they sell babygrows (age 6 months in blue please)
Washing up liquid (again discount shop- they do 2 for £1.00)
toilet rolls.

Thank you very muchly.


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1. Eat the dog (takes care of the first two items).
2. Sunday is still 5 drier shopping days away............
3. Give mini-B00 some coloured paper and get her to make Mr B00 a wrist-sundial.
4. Hoik out your diary from 20 years ago and snigger at your younger-self.
5. Tell elder mini-B00 that the Rossendale valley has experienced a bumper-crop of large...
11:42 Mon 13th Sep 2010
I'd go, except for ...

The "something for tea" !!

I just KNOW I'd come back with the wrong thing.
look it took me till half eleven to get out of bed, it will take at least another hour for my hair to dry, then i have to go to the pub to have lunch, i might be able to manage a summet for tea and dog food on the way home but i can;t guarentee a time
Yes Jayne....

A crate of wine is not "something for tea"
Get Christopher Brookmyres One Fine Day in the Middle of the NIght for your funny book :c)
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Oh owt will do Jayne, we're not fussy you know! We're nothern for heavens sake, basically we live by the motto if it doesn't move quick enough we either hump it or eat it.
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Or in some cases ^ both....but we try to distance ourselves from those family members.
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CD- we're talking my town's library, the vast majority of this lovely towns citizens havent got beyond Janet and John books.

I believe you are a saddo like me and like Alan Carr. I am reading his autobiography. I'll fling it over to you. It will take care of the 'something funny to read'

The weather is nice(ish) here but I don't fancy going out either. I need some mince to make a chile con carne. It won't be right without the meat.
They'll have, the author is scottish so that's sort of northern... ;oP
LL - you could always use lentils instead.
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I like Alan Carr, i love his laugh, each time he chuckles im in hystericas.
Just read Frankie Boyles book - was almost wetting myself at times! Not that I'm proud of that :o(
Annie, I haven't got any lentils! The con carne is just for me. Mr LL doesn't like chilies! (spelt in right this time). Lentils sound good though!
Alan Carr's book is funny BOO. Good light reading.
LL - if you use those big posh ones - cant remember the name, it kind of has the right texture and to be fair - if you make a good chili, you can't taste what it's made with ;o). I knwo someone who always makes it with that freeze dried immitation meat as she can keep a packet of it in the cupboard for months for emergencies.

Sorry Boo this isn't helping with your shopping unless you've managed to find stuff in your cupboard that you can make something for tea with that everyone will eat (even the dog!).
Chuck ... "A crate of wine is not "something for tea" "

No ???
bu&&er does that also mean 2 pints of stella isn;t lunch?
Only if you have some crisps or pork scratchings with the stella.
oh well i'm ok then :-)
What did your last servant die of? Get it yourself.

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