Price is so important these days. Customers can not really judge quality at the time of purchase, they need to have used the product for years first, so although many would value quality if they had faith in a constant quality/price ratio, they go for what appears to be value (i.e. low price) instead.
This encourages companies to cut corners qualitywise to compete on price, so all we tend to get is stuff made to last the guarantee period only. Result: a throw away society at a time we are all supposed to be encouraged to be "greener" for the sake of the planet. Oh, and jobs being exported to low wage/low cost societies, with consequential loss of jobs/wealth for the higher wage countries.
Not sure what can break the viscous circle; until we find a company brave enough to use local labour and materials where they can, and charge a premium, and get a reputation for their product. And not then decide to cash in on their rep by dropping the quality after a few years. I'm not holding my breath.