Carbon Monoxide Vent in The AnswerBank: DIY
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Carbon Monoxide Vent

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CAJ1 | 08:43 Tue 05th Oct 2010 | DIY
9 Answers

Just brought a new build house and there is a vent in the living room fairly near the ground which is apparantly for carbon monoxide to escape (we have a gas fire in our living room). The problem is that a draught blows right through it and can make the room fairly cold and we're not even into winter yet!

I was just wondering if it is safe to block up? We have carbon monoxide alarms fitted to the ceiling which will go off it there is carbon monoxide in the room.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Doc's right CAJ ............... there should never be any CO in the room. Under building regulations there should be a supply of combustion air for open fires, woodburners etc. Maybe it applies to this gas fire as well if it doesn't get its supply from anywhere else (as in a balanced flue).
Check the installation instructions in the gas fire's handbook.
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Thanks very much both, I will check the handbook and see what it says about air supply required. If I get confused I'll pop back lol! Thanks again
I really hope that docs answer had a typo in it, I'd be incredibly surprised to find CO3 anywhere, especially in somebodies house!
.............. well spotted Chuck. Carbon Trioxide is classed as "unstable" ......... dunno about Doc though ;o)
We have two of them. One near the skirting and one near the ceiling and this isn't a new build. I like the cold though...
Well no-one asked what type and model of gas fire yet.
The vents are to let air in .. not CO out!

Don't block ANY ventilation holes up until you know the rquirements of the appliance.
Hi, when I first had the gas engineer in to service my gas fire with back boiler I had no vent and was told that without one he would have to condemn it and shut down fire and boiler. Got vent fitted to outside wall and as TIA says got quite a draught coming through lounge so I put bit of foam inside to cut it down a bit. When the gas engineer came next time he told me to take it out or he would have shut it down. He said it was needed in case there was any build up of Carbon Monoxide in the room like if the
chimney got blocked or something and could not get out.

If it's a new build why not ask the builder the reason for it. He should be able to tell you. If you block it up it could invalidate your house insurance too so best be safe than sorry, especially with gas.
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