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cats wee smell

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liskeardgirl | 17:37 Sat 15th Jan 2011 | Home & Garden
14 Answers
a tom cat has got in and sprayed my sofa, what a stink!!!!please, how can i get rid of the pong?


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Cat pee suppose to smell. Get a new sofa, new year new sofa.
I have three chaps, all prone to spray when stressed. Give it a good sponge as Helen says, then spray with Oust Three in One. Works for me.
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redhelen, thanks i am going to try it now .
^ chap catz, that is, LOL
My tom peed in my car last summer, I've used a whole can of Oust and I can still smell it when I first get in.
Black Spot weed in the vets, fortunately there was a towel in his carry basket, but Phwaw!
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thankyou *boxtops*,the tom cat doesnt belong to me he is a stray. will be trying your remedy as well.
Do you have a cat yourself, liskeardgirl? Only if you do, it's important to get rid of the smell otherwise other cats will spray on top of it....
Try your local pet shop. Most have a product for removing these stains and smells. Can't remember the name but it does work on most smells.
This stuff works every time:
Hi, that was the stuff I was thinking of. Relative of mine used it when her teenage son was sick on carpet after night on booze and it even got rid of the smell of that so it must be good.
Any good bio detergent will also do the job....and is far cheaper. Just work up a good suds into the fabric.
red mentioned powder...I'd prefer the liquid.
We had the same problem with a cat that would appear round our back door and spray away. My wife had had enough, popped him in the basket, down the vets and had him castrated - solved the problem! No one hangs round our back door!!

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cats wee smell

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