How do I keep my oven clean? in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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How do I keep my oven clean?

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Jbird | 15:07 Sun 06th Feb 2011 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
I seem to persistently having to clean my oven on the outside owing to yellowing on the upper part of the white oven (I assume from smoke staining).

Is there any product I can use to prevent the staining, or could it be a case of ill fitting internal oven fittings?

Alternatively, is this problem perfectly normal, and it's just a case of having to clean the whites all the time?!
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You should have a heat deflector which you fix on the top of the oven. It`s just a long piece of metal which you keep in the oven draw when not in use.
15:23 Sun 06th Feb 2011
With Oven Cleaner perhaps? I find Mr Muscle stuff all indespensible, and think that they have oven cleaner in their range. Failing that you could use vinegar, and see if that works by soaking it on all night.
You should have a heat deflector which you fix on the top of the oven. It`s just a long piece of metal which you keep in the oven draw when not in use.
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Ah, thanks carlton23, I don't have one of those - maybe thats the problem
There is an extremely good product called `Elbow Grease` which my O/H swears by for all general cleaning from Wilkinson`s, G&T`s, etc, etc.
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